Collection and Inspection

IDFL Inspection Services

Cross border travel into China and other areas of South East Asia has been nearly impossible due to Covid pandemic related travel policies. If you have product being manufactured in China, Vietnam, or other East Asian country and you need 3rd party inspections services during this time, please contact IDFL and we will promptly begin preparations to visit your factory.

IDFL verifies the reliability of the sample submittal process by offering services at the factory level.

Sample Collection

Sample collection helps confirm samples are representative of the materials being tested and reduces the risk of test results not accurately reflecting the quality of the materials being processed at a specific location. IDFL collects and inspects samples of bulk down and feathers as well as samples of fabric and finished products. In each case, the bags, bales, swatches or finished products are randomly selected by an IDFL representative and sent directly to IDFL for testing.

Tamper Prevention

Using bale locks or box seals to prevent tampering provides an additional layer of security by reducing the risk that samples will be altered after collection.

Container Monitoring

Container monitoring involves observing final products as they are packed into shipping containers and then collecting additional samples to be used as controls. An IDFL lock is put on the container to ensure it is not opened before arriving at the testing facility.

Collection and Inspection Process

The steps for requesting and performing collection and inspection services are as follows:

Collection Request and Testing Forms: Once IDFL receives your collection request and submittal forms, we will contact the location where the collection will take place and schedule a time and date for the collection and inspection. We recommend that the collection be scheduled with sufficient time for testing to be completed so shipping deadlines for finished products can uninterrupted.

Sample Collection and Tamper Prevention: An IDFL inspector will go to the collection location where they will verify purchase order and shipping information, and randomly collect the requested number of samples. If tamper prevention has been requested, the inspector will bring the necessary bale locks or box seals.

Collection Report: You will be sent a report detailing the information documented during the sample collection including a list of each lock or seal used and its corresponding IDFL number. This number is used for verification purposes when the sample arrives at its destination.

Testing Report: IDFL will test the collected samples as requested in the initial sample submittal form. When testing is complete, you will be sent the results. If the test results are passing, the full shipment of finished products can be approved. If the test results are failing, you may want to contact the facility to determine the next steps.

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